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Useful Information

-Where is Neonosa?
That is actually something we don't want to tell you! Most likely it is an artificial island that docks at major cities around the world, traveling the seas. Official language is English.

-The portal that Eden opened, what was REALLY in there?
Mana.. the magical energy source. 
No magical kingdom with races and dream lands, just Mana.

-Where did the races come from then?
Evolution say some, some call it mutation. But we do know mana is the cause to it.

-Do we have to hide our races? Like masquerade? 
Nope, not at all.

Yes! We got it!!!

Every class has at -least- one magic school, some even more. Your choice on which you want to pick. 

At rank 4 you gain an additional class and another school. (or more depending on class you chose).

At rank 7 you gain your third and last class, same here. One more magic school (if you want) or more depending on class you chose.

We have this amazing dice hud. You also have bonus abilities though class, ability pool and race. Choose well! 

Everything is free!!!!! Just kidding!!!

Money is handled though our amazing hud. 

Neos is the currency here with us. 

         -1 neo = 1 rl dollar

Every six hours you can go to an atm and get a tiny bit of Neos. The higher rank the more you got but to earn money you need to get a job with wages! 

To pay with neos, target the player with your hud and 

/9give 1 neo


Atms are placed close to trams and at Neonosa Bank.



Xp is calculated automatically through the hud you are wearing. No need to turn in logs of your rp to anyone.

Exactly how it is calculated is complicated, but it boils down to this. Everything you do matters. The more active you are on sim and RP the more XP you gain. 

There are special safety barriers built in to make sure no one cheats and it stays fair for all. If you try to cheat the system it will actually decrease the rate you earn XP.  Our amazing Pro, maker of the Hud (but not the rules! Want to complain? Go to a mentor!) monitors the system and makes sure it all works.


Our ranks goes from 1-10

There are three starting ranks.

1. If you are a standard player this is where you start out

4. Shop owners and second in commands of factions

7. Faction-leads

-You wont get any level or XP extra if you are an admin or mentor. They all have to earn them just like you!

-You will get extra XP for attending sim wide events (Will be announced on Calendar on the homepage. It is the event organizer responsibility to take attendance and turn in the list to an admin so we can reward you for it)




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