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 Application Portal

Click the buttons below to access the character application and other information. You may also use the Menu at the top of the page to find more pages.



Leadership Guidelines:



-A minimum of 10 hours a week of active time on sim.

-No history of OOC drama of any kind or other negativeness in Neonosa. 

-Interested and invested in the sim not just your own story.

-Willing to rp with anyone and everyone and avoid cliques to the best of your ability. The ability to compromise and get along with -Admin team without issue.

-An understanding of the sim lore and setup.

-Willing to put Neonosa pick in your profile.


1. Player Owned Business Leaders: Active at least 10 hours a week and making use of the businesses in RP. Please no abandoned businesses please. Mostly IC work required.


2. Sim Owned Business Leaders: Active 10-12 hours a week and an event attempted to be planned bi-monthly. Some OOC work required. Plenty of IC activity.


3. Faction Leaders: Active 10-15 hours a week, monthly event for your faction and or sim wide. About 30-40% of the time OOC work required to be available for your group. Plenty of IC activity.


4. Mentors: Active at least 10 hours and available for IC and OOC. OOC work required, and a willingness to help guide new players. Plenty of IC activity.


5. Admins: Active 10-12 hours a week and able to help with questions, potential in need of admin conflict, and applications.  An equal amount of IC and OOC work but more on the OOC work for application approvals and helping players.


All chosen leads, mentors, admins, are asked to put Neonosa in their picks. Thank you. If leaders of any kind do not fulfill their commitments they may be asked to step down. If leaders are going to be unavailable they must make it known to the sim owner or admins. One week of no activity or being on sim may result in a meeting with the Admins.


Which are we recruiting right now? All of them!

Seeking Euro and Australian Timezones along with all others.



Not sure where to start while filling out your app? 

All character applications can have at staring rank 1:


One school of Magic. This can be found under the Magic Rules. Some classes allow up to two schools of magic(mana knowledge.)


One special ability if their character race has the option. This can be found on the race page of your race.


Three choices from the ability pool. This can be found under Ability Pool.

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